
Principles To top of page

  • Metrics must be simple, objective, easy to collect, easy to interpret, and hard to misinterpret.
  • Metrics collection must be automated and non-intrusive, i.e., not interfere with the activities of the developers.
  • Metrics must contribute to quality assessment early in the lifecycle, when efforts to improve software quality are effective.
  • Metric absolute values and trends must be actively used by management personnel and engineering personnel for communicating progress and quality in a consistent format.
  • The selection of a minimal or more extensive set of metrics will depend on the project's characteristics and context: if it is large or has stringent safety or reliability requirements and the development and assessment teams are knowledgeable about metrics, then it may be useful to collect and analyze the technical metrics. The contract may require certain metrics to be collected, or the organization may be trying to improve it skills an processes in particular areas. There is no simple answer to fit all circumstances, the Project Manager must select what is appropriate when the Measurement Plan is produced. When introducing a metrics program for the first time though, it is sensible to err on the side of simplicity.

A Taxonomy of Metrics To top of page

Metrics for certain aspects of the project, include:

  • Progress in terms of size and complexity.
  • Stability in terms of rate of change in the requirements or implementation, size, or complexity.
  • Modularity in terms of the scope of change.
  • Quality in terms of the number and type of errors.
  • Maturity in terms of the frequency of errors.
  • Resources in terms of project expenditure versus planned expenditure

Trends are important, and somewhat more important to monitor than any absolute value in time.

Metric Purpose Sample measures/perspectives
Progress Iteration planning
  • Number of classes
  • SLOC
  • Function points
  • Scenarios
  • Test cases

These measures may also be collected by class and by package

  • Amount of rework per iteration (number of classes)
Stability Convergence
  • Number and type of changes (bug vs. enhancement; interface vs. implementation)

This measure may also be collected by iteration and by package

  • Amount of rework per iteration
Adaptability Convergence
Software "rework"
  • Average person-hours/change

This measure may also be collected by iteration and by package

Modularity Convergence
Software "scrap"
  • Number of classes/categories modified per change

This measure may also be collected by iteration

Quality Iteration planning
Rework indicator
Release criterion
  • Number of errors
  • Defect discovery rate
  • Defect density
  • Depth of inheritance
  • Class coupling
  • Size of interface (number of operations)
  • Number of methods overridden
  • Method size

These measures may also be collected by class and by package

Maturity Test coverage/adequacy
Robustness for use
  • Test hours/failure and type of failure

This measure may also be collected by iteration and by package

Expenditure profile Financial insight
Planned vs. actual
  • Person-days/class
  • Full-time staff per month
  • % budget expended

A Small Set of Metrics To top of page

This example is extracted from Software Project Management, a Unified framework [ROY98]. It represents the minimal set of metrics that are necessary from a Project Management viewpoint. A more extensive set may be found in A Complete Metrics Set, which also includes some OO-specific technical metrics which, it is widely agreed, contribute to product quality.

Metrics and Primitives metrics

Total SLOC SLOCt = Total size of the code
SLOC under configuration
SLOCc = Current baseline
Critical defects SCO0 = number of type 0 SCO
Normal defects SCO1 = number of type 1 SCO
Improvement requests SCO2 = number of type 2 SCO
New features SCO3 = number of type 3 SCO
Number of SCO N = SCO0 + SCO1 + SCO2
Open Rework (breakage) B = cumulative broken SLOC due to SCO1 and SCO2
Closed rework (fixes) F = cumulative fixed SLOC
Rework effort E = cumulative effort expended fixing type 0/1/2 SCO
Usage time UT = hours that a given baseline has been operating under realistic usage scenarios

Quality Metrics for the End-Product

From this small set of metrics, some more interesting metrics can be derived:

Scrap ratio B/SLOCt, percentage of product scrapped
Rework ratio E/Total effort, percentage of rework effort
B/N, average breakage per SCO
E/N, average effort per SCO
UT/(SCO0 + SCO1), Mean time between defects
(scrap ratio)/(rework ratio), maintenance productivity

In-progress Indicators

Rework stability B - F, breakage versus fixes over time
Rework backlog (B-F)/SLOCc, currently open rework
Modularity trend Modularity, over time
Adaptability trend Adaptability, over time
Maturity trend Maturity, over time

A Complete Metrics Set To top of page

What Should be Measured? To top of page

The things to be measured are:

  • the Process - the sequence of activities invoked to produce the software product (and other artifacts);
  • the Product - the artifacts of the process, including software, documents and models;
  • the Project - the totality of project resources, activities and artifacts;
  • the Resources - the people, methods and tools, time, effort and budget, available to the project.

The Process To top of page

To completely characterize the process, measurements should be made at the lowest level of formally planned activity. Activities will be planned by the Project Manager using an initial set of estimates. A record should then be kept of actual values over time and any updated estimates that are made.



Duration Elapsed time for the activity
Effort Staff effort units (staff-hours, staff-days, ...)
Output Artifacts and their size and quantity (note this will include defects as an output of test activities)
Software development environment usage CPU, storage, software tools, equipment (workstations, PCs), disposables. Note that these may be collected for a project by the Software Engineering Environment Authority (SEEA).
Defects, discovery rate, correction rate. Total repair time/effort and total scrap/rework (where this can be measured) also needs to be collected; will probably come from information collected against the defects (considered as artifacts).
Change requests, imposition rate, disposal rate. Comments as above on time/effort.
Other incidents that may have a bearing on these metrics (freeform text) This is a metric in that it is a record of an event that affected the process.
Staff numbers, profile (over time) and characteristics
Staff turnover A useful metric which may explain at a post-mortem review why a process went particularly well, or badly.
Effort application The way effort is spent during the performance of the planned activities (against which time is formally recorded for cost account management) may help explain variations in productivity: some subclasses of effort application are, for example:
  • training
  • familiarization
  • management (by team lead, for example)
  • administration
  • research
  • productive work - it's helpful to record this by artifact, and attempt a separation of 'think' time and capture time, particularly for documents. This will tell the Project manager how much of an imposition the documentation process is on the engineer's time.
  • lost time
  • meetings
  • inspections, walkthroughs, reviews û preparation and meeting effort (some of these will be separate activities and time and effort for them will be recorded against a specific review activity)
Inspections, walkthroughs, reviews (during an activity - not separately scheduled reviews) Record the numbers of these and their duration, and the numbers of issues raised.
Process deviations (raised as non-compliances, requiring project change) Record the numbers of these and their severity. This is an indicator that more education may be required, that the process is being misapplied, or that the way the process was configured was incorrect
Process problems (raised as process defects, requiring process change) Record the number of these and their severity. This will be useful information at the post-mortem reviews and is essential feedback for the Software Engineering Process Authority (SEPA).

The Product To top of page

The products in the Rational Unified Process are the artifacts, which are documents, models or model elements. The models are collections of like things (the model elements) so the recommended metrics are listed here with the models to which they apply: it is usually obvious if a metric applies to the model as a whole, or an element. Explanatory text is provided where this is not clear.

Artifact Characteristics

In general, the characteristics we are interested in measuring are the following:

  • Size - a measure of the number of things in a model, the length of something, the extent or mass of something
  • Quality
    • Defects - indications that an artifact does not perform as specified or is not compliant with its specification, or has other undesirable characteristics
    • Complexity - a measure of the intricacy of a structure or algorithm: the greater the complexity, the more difficult a structure is to understand and modify, and there is evidence that complex structures are more likely to fail
    • Coupling - a measure of the how extensively elements of a system are interconnected
    • Cohesion - a measure of how well an element or component meets the requirement of having a single, well-defined, purpose
    • Primitiveness - the degree to which operations or methods of a class can be composed from others offered by the class
  • Completeness - a measure of the extent to which an artifact meets all requirements (stated and implied - the Project Manager should strive to make explicit as much as possible, to limit the risk of unfulfilled expectations). We have not chosen here to distinguish between sufficient and complete.
  • Traceability - an indication that the requirements at one level are being satisfied by artifacts at a lower level, and, looking the other way, that an artifact at any level has a reason to exist
  • Volatility - the degree of change or churn in an artifact because of defects or changing requirements
  • Effort - a measure of the work (staff-time units) that is required to produce an artifact

Not all of these characteristics apply to all artifacts: the relevant ones are elaborated with the particular artifact in the following tables. Where several metrics are listed against a characteristic, all are potentially of interest, because they give a complete description of the characteristic from several viewpoints. For example, when considering the traceability of Use Cases, ultimately all have to be traceable to a (tested) implementation model: in the interim, it will still be of interest to the Project Manager to know how many Use Cases can be traced to the Analysis Model, as a measure of progress.


The recommended metrics apply to all the Rational Unified Process documents.



Size Page count
Effort Staff-time units for production, change and repair
Volatility Numbers of changes, defects, opened, closed; change pages
Quality Measured directly through defect count
Completeness Not measured directly: judgment made through review
Traceability Not measured directly: judgment made through review

Requirements Attributes

This is actually a model element.

Characteristic Metrics
  • number of requirements in total (= Nu+Nd+Ni+Nt)
  • number to be traced to use cases ( = Nu)
  • number to be traced to design, implementation, test only ( = Nd)
  • number to be traced to implementation, test only ( = Ni)
  • number to be traced to test only ( = Nt)

Note that this partitions requirements into those that will be modeled by Use cases and those that will not. The expectation is that Use Case traceability will account for those requirements assigned to Use Cases, to track design, implementation and test.

  • Staff-time units (with production, change and repair separated)
  • Number of defects and change requests (open, closed)
  • Defects û number of defects, by severity, open, closed

Use-Case Model

Characteristic Metrics
  • Number of Use Cases
  • Number of Use Case Packages
  • Reported Level of Use Case (see white paper, "The Estimation of Effort and Size based on Use Cases" from the Resource Center)
  • Number of scenarios, total and per use case
  • Number of actors
  • Length of Use Case (pages of event flow, for example)
  • Staff-time units (with production, change and repair separated)
  • Number of defects and change requests (open, closed)
  • Reported complexity (0-5, by analogy with COCOMO [BOE81], at class level; complexity range is narrower at higher levels of abstraction - see white paper, "The Estimation of Effort and Size based on Use Cases" from the Resource Center)
  • Defects û number of defects, by severity, open, closed
  • Use Cases completed (reviewed and under configuration management with no defects outstanding)/use cases identified (or estimated number of use cases)
  • Requirements-to-UC Traceability (from Requirements Attributes)
  • Analysis
    • Scenarios realized in analysis model/total scenarios
  • Design
    • Scenarios realized in design model/total scenarios
  • Implementation
    • Scenarios realized in implementation model/total scenarios
  • Test
    • Scenarios realized in test model (test cases)/total scenarios

Analysis Model

Characteristic Metrics
  • Number of classes
  • Number of subsystems
  • Number of subsystems of subsystems à
  • Number of packages
  • Methods per class, internal, external
  • Attributes per class, internal, external
  • Depth of inheritance tree
  • Number of children
  • Staff-time units (with production, change and repair separated)
  • Number of defects and change requests (open, closed)
Quality Complexity
  • Response For a Class (RFC): this may be difficult to calculate because a complete set of interaction diagrams is needed.
  • Number of children
  • Coupling between objects (class fan-out)
  • Number of children
  • Number of defects, by severity, open, closed
  • Number of classes completed/number of classes estimated (identified)
  • Analysis traceability (in Use Case model)
Traceability Not applicable - the analysis model becomes the design model.

Here we see some OO-specific technical metrics that may be unfamiliar - depth of inheritance tree, number of children, response for a class, coupling between objects, and so on. See [HEND96] for details of the meaning and history of these metrics. Several of these metrics were originally suggested by Chidamber and Kemerer (see "A metrics suite for object oriented design", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 20(6), 1994), but we have applied them here as suggested in [HEND96] and have preferred the definition of LCOM (lack of cohesion in methods) presented in that work.

Design Model

Characteristic Metrics
  • Number of classes
  • Number of design subsystems
  • Number of subsystems of subsystems à
  • Number of packages
  • Methods per class, internal, external
  • Attributes per class, internal, external
  • Depth of inheritance tree
  • Number of children
  • Staff-time units (with production, change and repair separated)
  • Number of defects and change requests (open, closed)
Quality Complexity
  • Response For a Class (RFC): this may be difficult to calculate because a complete set of interaction diagrams is needed.
  • Number of children
  • Coupling between objects (class fan-out)
  • Number of children
  • Number of defects, by severity, open, closed
Traceability Number of classes in Implementation Model/number of classes

Implementation Model

Characteristic Metrics
  • Number of classes
  • Number of components
  • Number of implementation subsystems
  • Number of subsystems of subsystems à
  • Number of packages
  • Methods per class, internal, external
  • Attributes per class, internal, external
  • Size of methods*
  • Size of attributes*
  • Depth of inheritance tree
  • Number of children
  • Estimated size* at completion
  • Staff-time units (with production, change and repair separated)
  • Number of defects and change requests (open, closed)
  • Breakage* for each corrective or perfective change, estimated (prior to fix) and actual (upon closure)
Quality Complexity
  • Response For a Class (RFC)
  • Cyclomatic complexity of methods**
  • Number of children
  • Coupling between objects (class fan-out)
  • Message passing coupling (MPC)***
  • Number of children
  • Lack of cohesion in methods (LCOM)
  • Number of defects, by severity, open, closed

* Some method of measuring code size should be chosen and then consistently applied, for example non-comment, non-blank. See [ROY98] for a discussion of the merits and application of 'lines of code' as a metric. Also see the same reference for the definition of 'breakage'.

** The use of cyclomatic complexity is not universally accepted - particularly when applied to the methods of a class. See [HEND96] for a discussion of this metric.

*** Originally from Li and Henry, "Object-oriented metrics that predict maintainability", J. Systems and Software, 23(2), 1993, and also described in [HEND96].


Test Model

Characteristic Metrics
  • Number of Test Cases, Test Procedures, Test Scripts
  • Staff-time units (with production, change and repair separated) for production of test cases, etc.
  • Number of defects and change requests (open, closed) - against the test model
  • Defects - number of defects by severity, open, closed (these are defects raised against the test model itself, not defects raised by the test team against other software)
  • Number of Test Cases reported as successful in Test Evaluation Summary/Number of test cases

Change Model (this is a notional model for consistent presentation - the metrics will be collected from whatever system is used to manage Change Requests)

Characteristic Metrics
  • Number of defects, change requests by severity and status, also categorized as number of perfective changes, number of adaptive changes and number of corrective changes.
  • Defect repair effort, change implementation effort in staff-time units
  • Breakage (estimated, actual) for the implementation model subset.
  • Number of defects discovered/number of defects predicted (if a reliability model is used)

Project Plan (section 4.2 of the Software Development Plan)

These are measures that come from the application of Earned Value Techniques to project management; together they are called Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria (C/SCSC). Included are:

  • BCWS - Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled
  • BCWP - Budgeted Cost for Work Performed
  • ACWP - Actual Cost of Work Performed
  • BAC - Budget at Completion
  • EAC - Estimate at Completion
  • CBB - Contract Budget Base
  • LRE - Latest Revised Estimate (EAC)

and derived factors for cost variance, schedule variance etc. See [ROY98] for a discussion of the application of an earned value approach to software project management.

The Project To top of page

The project needs to be characterized in terms of type, size, complexity and formality (although type, size and complexity usually determine formality), because these aspects will condition expectations about various thresholds for lower level measures. Other constraints should be captured in the contract (or specifications). Metrics derived from the process, product and resources will capture all other project level metrics. Project type and domain can be recorded using a text description, making sure that there is enough detail to accurately characterize the project. Record the project size by cost, effort, duration, size of code to be developed, function points to be delivered. The project's complexity can be described - somewhat subjectively - by placing the project on a chart showing technical and management complexity relative to other completed projects. [ROY98], Figure 14-1 shows such a diagram.

The derived metrics described in [ROY98], which are the Project Manager's main indicators, can be obtained from the metrics gathered for product and process. These are:

  • Modularity = average breakage (NCNB*) per perfective or corrective change on implementation model
  • Adaptability = average effort per perfective or corrective change on implementation model
  • Maturity = active test time/number of corrective changes
  • Maintainability = Maintenance Productivity/Development Productivity = [actual cumulative fixes/cumulative effort for perfective and corrective changes]/[estimated number of NCNB at completion/estimated production effort at completion]
  • Rework stability = cumulative breakage-cumulative fixes
  • Rework backlog = [cumulative breakage-cumulative fixes]/NCNB unit tested

* NCNB is non-comment, non-blank code size.

Progress should be reported from the project plan, which is statused using artifact completion metrics - with particular weight (from an earned value perspective) being given to the production of working software.

If an estimation model such as COCOMO (see [BOE81] is used, the various scale factors and cost drivers should be recorded. These actually form a quite detailed characterization of the project.

The Resources To top of page

The items to be measured include people (experience, skills, cost, performance), methods and tools (in terms of effect on productivity and quality, cost), time, effort, budget (resources consumed, resources remaining).

The staffing profile should be recorded over time, showing type (analyst, designer, etc.), grade (which implies cost) and team to which allocated. Both actuals and plan should be recorded.

Again, the COCOMO model requires the characterization of personnel experience and capability and software development environment, and is a good framework in which to keep these metrics.

Expenditure, budget and schedule information will come from the Project Plan.

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